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Featured in Stone Update Magazine: Measuring Up – Pre-set your tools to do all the work

@stonemag just featured Omega TMM in its industry leading editorial!

While tool presetting used to be primarily utilized by metal and plastics shops, the stone grinding industry is embracing the efficiency and quick rate of return from these machine solutions.

Read and watch the video to learn more! Reach out to Omega TMM today for your customized demo tailored to your needs.


Measuring Up – Pre-set your tools to do all the work

Everybody likes the idea of getting more production out of their CNC machines … and there’s a fairly simple method to help make it happen. Tool presetters are still more likely to be found these days in metal fabrication and plastic molding facilities, but they’re beginning to show up in stone fabrication shops. And, with good reason. Although manufacturers disagree on how frequently their machines need to be used, they concur that a presetter can help CNC routers produce jobs that need little or no hand-finishing while extending the life of tooling.


verigrind presetter and tool measuring machine by omega tmm |


The Veri-Grind is the benchmark for grinding wheel form and offset verification in both the metal cutting and stone grinding industries.


omega vergrind lite presetter


Veri-Grind Lite is the cost-effective bench-top presetter solution for grinding wheel verification.