Take advantage of connecting with three innovative, complimentary partners in one session: Caron Engineering, Omega TMM, and TDM Systems.
Connect with three Innovative Partners:
- Robert Auer, Director, TDM Systems_ World’s Best Tool Management
- Ryan Meleg, VP, Omega TMM- World’s Best Presetter Manufacturer
- Mike Laurendeau, Territory Manager, Caron Engineering- World’s Best Tool Monitoring
At this webinar, we’ll discuss the latest technology for closed-loop tool management, best practices in premier tool presetting equipment, RFID tool identification, tool load process optimization, and automated tool data management systems. The innovative technology and approach will provide you the edge to stay ahead in this new decade of the ever changing Industry 4.0.
- Looking to reduce setup time?
- How about automatically measuring and loading tool data directly to the machine control?
- Want to confidently track all the tools on your shop floor?
Your insights gained will be a key advantage for you in changing business environment in decade of 2020.
You will gain high satisfaction knowing your supporting others (supplying free face shields) through your participation in this webinar with a cause.
Register Here Today +
Register TODAY for this webinar and GetUSPPE.org receives 1 face shield per attendee to help communities around the world. 200 attendees=200 face shields max limit 500.
Please register with your company email address. Any registration with personal email aliases will not be permitted to join the webinar.

EASTEC 2021, the largest Northeast manufacturing trade show, will be held at the Eastern States Exposition in West Springfield, Massachusetts and is produced by SME and AMT.
Visit Omega TMM
With Caron Engineering in Building 5, Booth #5432