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Innovating Together: Omega TMM and Wolfram Manufacturing at the Forefront of Tool Measuring Solutions

Omega TMM is proud to feature a recently held presentation by Ryan Meleg, our Executive Vice-President of Global Sales, at the Wolfram Open House. This event highlighted the synergy between Omega TMM and Wolfram Manufacturing, underscoring our commitment to advancing the precision tooling industry.

Founded in 2011, Wolfram Manufacturing has established itself as a leader in medium to high-volume production of metal parts and a pioneer in integrating advanced manufacturing technologies. This partnership with Omega TMM leverages Wolfram’s robust manufacturing capabilities and Omega’s cutting-edge tool measuring solutions to deliver superior products and services.

Ryan’s talk, centered on the latest developments in tool measuring, provides an in-depth look at how Omega TMM’s innovations—like our flagship products, the SOLIS and the new ASTRA, designed specifically for the automotive sector—are setting new standards in the industry. He detailed the benefits of our presetting solutions that ensure high efficiency and uptime, crucial for maintaining competitive production lines.

Omega TMM and Wolfram Manufacturing are both driven by a dedication to quality and innovation, made evident by our shared commitment to producing all critical components within the United States. This not only supports local industries but also guarantees that our customers receive products marked by unparalleled precision and reliability.


Experience firsthand how Omega TMM’s solutions can elevate your production capabilities.

For a closer look at what Omega TMM can do for your manufacturing needs, schedule a live demo with our team today. Engage with our experts and discover how we can help you achieve greater productivity and precision in your operations.