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Wolfram Manufacturing & Caron Engineering: Production and Technology Center Open House

Omega TMM was proud to be featured at the Wolfram Manufacturing / Caron Engineering Production and Technology Center Open House on October 25-26 in Austin, TX.

We experienced firsthand how our presetter works within their smart manufacturing technology to achieve shop floor automation – seamlessly transferring tool measurement data from the Omega TMM Presetter to their CNCs via ToolConnect.

The Production Technology Center showcases just one of the ways that tool data can be transferred from an Omega TMM presetter to your machine tool’s controller. The presetter initiates the process by measuring the tool, and reading and writing the data to the RFID tag. The tool is placed in the custom RFID read station at the machine. Once the tag is read, the technology automatically confirms the tool, and indexes the machine if possible. The whole process is designed to reduce potential for user error and minimize machine downtime, while ensuring your tools are within their expected tolerance.

ToolConnect also powers the OmegaTMM Matrix 4.0 solution. Rather than utilizing RFID tags, this technology allows users to print a 2D label from our presetter, scan it with a handheld barcode scanner, and transfer the data to any controller. No matter what your process looks like, we want to help you find your best-fit manufacturing solutions!

Interested in learning more about our wide range of tool presetters and data management solutions?

Contact OmegaTMM via [email protected] and schedule your virtual LIVE demo today!